Shopping and Squirrels
I've finally started to feel better after that viral infection. I was at clinic yesterday and although it was a rather average report, I am pleased to have survived the past couple of weeks without IVs, which is an achievement in itself. I have been given another course of oral antibiotics to keep me ticking over, but otherwise they seemed happy enough with my progress.
Life has been pretty quiet of late and I haven't been able to get out as much. That being said, I still managed an essential trip to the opening of a new Debenhams store. They sent an invite - it would have been rude not to go. To make it even more appealing, I had also coincidentally been sent an offer for a 'free Clinique gift pack' when you bought any 2 Clinique products before a certain date. I like free things. I like Clinique. The fact Andrew had to take a half day from work to take me to this store opening so I could get my free stuff is besides the point. I'm sure he didn't really mind.
I had to take the wheelchair and oxygen as I was still very breathless. It felt a little weird approaching the makeup counter in a wheelchair, with oxygen tubing on my face. I almost felt a little vulnerable and certainly lacking my usual confidence - almost as if I shouldn't be interested in buying pretty makeup because I clearly have much bigger issues going on. The lack of confidence didn't stop me buying lots of products in order to get my free gift pack though (which incidentally, was worth making the trip for). The wheelchair was quite useful at the overcrowded cafe though, as the lady directing people to tables got us a nice big table with comfy seats, then brought everything over for us. See, these things have their perks ;-)
The only Seb story I have this week, is the tale in which he nearly caught a tail. A squirrels tail that is. The story started with a squirrel who climbed up my drainpipe and then couldn't get back down again. It was clinging to the eaves of the house for dear life, whilst crying rather loudly. Now, I am not a big squirrel fan (since they eat all the bird food) but I couldn't leave it crying up there, so Andrew and myself were trying to work out a strategy for helping it down. Fear not, because Seb will save the day. He comes haring out the house, barking and po-going at the wall. The squirrel is so surprised and startled that it simply falls off the wall! Andrew and myself watch helplessly as it hurtles towards the ground, where thankfully its fall is broken by the plastic recycling box, which is bounces of rather impressively. The bouncing squirrel is stunned for a moment, allowing Seb time to race over and nearly grab its tail. The poor dazed creature realises what is happening and sprints up the lawn, with Seb hot on its heels. I really did think he was going to catch it a few times, as he was literally centimetres from its tail. Thankfully it confused Seb by suddenly changing direction, and it managed to escape. I have no idea if Seb would really even try and catch it, or if he just enjoys the chase. I would rather not find out..
lol at bouncing squirrel, I like it :) Maybe Seb just wanted to be friends. Like my sister's dog when it caught one of my chickens by the tail - just being friendly, honest...
Great story. That reminds me of a few years ago, when Oscar was having a kind of 'doggie sleepover' (my parents were away).
It was Sunday morning and I was looking forward to a peaceful lie in. I let the dogs out in the garden and sloped back to bed for half an hour. Five minutes into the 'peaceful' lie in, there was a huge commotion with the dogs downstairs in the lounge. They were frantic.
I stumbled downstairs to see what was going on, and the dogs had kindly caught a huge blackbird and were fighting over it. It was horrible (it was dead).
I screamed.
It was like the dog mafia equivalent of finding a horses head in your house or something.
They were joyous over it. Me less so.
Luckily they are calmer these days, they were only bigger pups then. It was horrible though.
I'm glad your squirrel had a happier ending!! :0)
Glad you are on the mend.
Take care
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