Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lock-down... Day 35

It's now been 35 days since we started "shielding" as a family - which means 35 days since we even left the garden.  Shielding means you can't even do the "daily walk/exercise" permitted and can't go to shops even for essentials.   We are so lucky to have a garden....but I must admit its been really hard!

Food wise, we have managed with local delivery of fruit and veg boxes, milk deliveries and some basic food boxes - and last week managed to get an online order and have another booked.  Although I'm on the shielding list and have replied to government message about needing online shopping, we still haven't been allocated priority slots by supermarkets.  Some of my CF/transplant friends heard last week but many haven''s all a bit random!!  Sainsbury emailed Andrew the other day, as it had identified someone in our house was vulnerable so we now have that as an option.  I haven't been worried about food though, as I know my friends and family would help if needed!

Sanity wise, it's another issue haha.  Home schooling is a rollercoaster of a ride.  The novelty has worn off for Estelle, she is fed up not seeing her friends and it's hard going a lot of the time.   I am literally only doing some reading and numbers for short periods but keeping her amused for a full day can be difficult.  We watch the science centre experiment, make crafts, do colouring, play outside a lot - and it's pretty full on.  I know people will tell me to allow her to watch the ipad/a movie, but believe me, I am not stopping her!  Estelle is really active and doesn't tend to sit for long - she would spend all day outside if she could!  Only problem with this, is that I need to be outside with her - understandably in the current situation she is not keen to be left alone at all.   It must be really anxiety provoking for children - old enough to understand something serious is going on, but young enough to not really fully grasp the situation.   Of course, this has had a knock on effect on bedtime - Estelle wasn't a good sleeper even as a baby, and at the moment she is finding it hard to get to sleep.  We are using stories and some mindfulness which is helpful, but I guess the upshot is that we don't have much of an evening.   However I know it's not forever and all we can do just now is try our best to work through this as a family.

I am not getting much time to myself, but have done a bit more felting, which is quite relaxing.  I have been keeping a journal of things we do together so that Estelle can have this when she is older.  Although it's hard having a young child at home all the time, it is keeping me busy and I'll find it very strange when she eventually goes back to school!

I am missing seeing my family and friends and we are only 1 month into minimum of 3 months shielding ( I can see this being extended) but I have been keeping in touch with facetime, whatsapp and waving through windows haha.

For all my moans about life in lockdown, we are at least all safe and well at home.  My health seems to be stable just now (I had a CF review over the phone) and that's all I can ask for.  I am lucky not be to working on the front line and am full of admiration for my friends who work in the NHS and are out there, putting themselves at risk.....much love to you all xxx