Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some birds...

Robin on birdbath

Siskin in the rain


Look! I can do this with one leg!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stair lifts and Lycra..

I finished my IV antibiotics today so was at the hospital for a quick check up. All the news was good - my lung function has come back up, my oxygen levels were much better and overall the doc was very pleased with my response to the antibiotics. Fingers crossed it lasts for a wee while!

I finally got my stair lift installed last week, so have been buzzing up and down on that. Seb was a little unsure at first and threw some tentative barks at it, but now he doesn't even bat an eye as I trundle up and down (i say trundle because it is painstakingly slow). He has had a couple of shots sitting on my knee and seemed to enjoy the ride - he certainly wasn't at all nervous. I'm sure it will be no time at all before he is operating it himself..

My other news is that I've started a distance learning course, to try and give me something to focus on and to help structure my day better. Its on the topic of 'conflict management' which I feel will be useful at work in the future. I have now completed my first assignment and am waiting on feed back to see if I passed it before I move onto the next section. I think I really need something to focus on as I am feeling quite fed up at the moment and a large part of that is down to sheer boredom. I miss working, especially the challenges and social aspect that it brings with it. Being at home all the time is fairly isolating and I do feel very much in limbo at the moment - just waiting on that call, but not quite believing it will ever come. I am hoping that spending some time 'working', albeit at home, will make me feel that I have achieved something in my day, which in itself is a great tonic for self esteem. The other great tonic would be to start concentrating on exercise again, which has somewhat fallen by the wayside. I am in the contemplation stage at the moment - a lot of thinking about exercise, but none actually being done! Hopefully by the time I write my next blog I will have moved to the action stage and will be possibly sporting some sweat bands and wearing lycra.....the mind boggles.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Apologies for the break in blogging, but I have just escaped from hospital. The oral antibiotics unfortunately didn't work, so I had to go in to start some IVs again and get myself back on track. I am only half way through the course but have been allowed home to finish them here - much better food and more rest in my own bed. I am definitely feeling better than I was last week so everything is moving in the right direction.

While I was in hospital I understand there has been a lot of media attention surrounding Gordon Brown announcing his support for an opt out system for organ donation. Although an opt out system is not the the lone answer to organ shortages, it does seem to have helped improve the rates in other countries. However, even if we do not move to this system, the controversy surrounding the topic has at least highlighted the issue of shortages once more, and gets people talking about donation which in itself is so vital. Although polls suggest over 90% of the population support organ donation, less than a quarter get round to signing the register, which is a permanent way of making your wishes clear. Relatives will refuse consent for donation in around 40% cases; the main reason being given is that they did not know what their relatives wishes were. Even if we move to an 'opt out' system where consent is presumed, the relatives would still be consulted and retain the power to override the decision to donate, if they felt this was what their relative would want. I can see argument both for an against an opt out system, and I can also understand why people may not wish to donate, and whole heartedly agree that they should reserve the right to make this decision. What I do feel very strongly about however is the need for people to talk about the topic of organ donation with their nearest and dearest. Although it is a difficult and emotive subject to broach, that one conversation where your wishes are made clear, could be the difference between life and death for someone waiting on that vital transplant.

click here to sign register

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, that's all the festivities over for another year. I had a lovely Christmas at home with my family. Present opening, as normal, took hours to complete before we all settled down to a lovely home cooked Christmas dinner in the afternoon, and then played some games and watched TV in the evening. Unfortunately since Christmas I haven't been feeling very well, so New Year was a bit of a struggle really. It was clear that the last lot of IVs had been fairly ineffective, so I started some oral antibiotics on Boxing day. I was not making any progress over the past week, so finally headed up to the hospital yesterday. I have to try adding in another oral antibiotic first, in a bid to space my IV's out more, so I will see how things go over the weekend. I am just feeling very tired and breathless at the moment, but hopefully I will start to see an improvement soon.

You will all be pleased to hear that Seb has enjoyed his holidays. He has for the most part been well behaved, but with the usual moments of sheer naughtiness. The covert food scavenging continues this year, with him demolishing 2 pieces of madeira cake left on the coffee table, whilst we were busy eating dinner. There was another incident of him being found on the dining room table, licking a left over desert bowl (embarrassingly this incident occurred in someone else's house). There was the usual stealing of objects not belonging to him, and the climbing onto things he shouldn't be climbing onto. A new one for this year, was finding him sitting inside the writing bureau (obviously the lid was open). I'm not sure if he wanted to write a letter or if he was looking for something in particular. What never fails to amaze me is the indignant look he gives you when he is found in these strange places - its a 'hello? Can I help you?' look, as if it's perfectly normal to be sitting in the writing bureau. Although in Seb's world it probably is.

Now, I'm off to play the new nintendo DS I got from Andrew for Christmas. Oh wait...yes, that's right, I can't get on it, because Andrew has hardly put it down in days......funny that....