Sinuses....and cars!
Apologies for delay in updating but I've had a really busy week! I had the ENT on Wednesday and it was quite an interesting appointment. After some discussion and looking into my sinuses with an endoscope his verdict was "you have a very sick nose". I had gathered that much. He thinks I have something called "Empty nose syndrome" which has only been recognised fairly recently in the literature. It is effectively the result of far too much surgery on the sinuses (I have had around 10 operations over the years, the first being when I was only 7). Basically in an effort to improve drainage from the sinuses they have removed so much of the mucosa (lining of sinuses) that there is now not enough to keep my sinuses and nose healthy. The lining normally produce mucus to keep sinuses moist and lubricated, but instead mines is very dry and they cannot drain effectively. There is no treatment for this, other than sinus washouts to keep things moist, which I do daily anyway. He did suggest another device for doing the sinus wash outs, which is basically a squeezy plastic bottle so I have ordered one of these to try. He also suggested putting vaseline inside my nose, which should evaporate and help moisten the nose. However, he did also feel that although this syndrome can cause some pain, it is not usually the main feature - and pain is most definately my main symptom. He instead suspects that I have stenosis (narrowing) of the drainage pathway from frontal sinus, due to scarring. He is arranging an MRI scan to investigate this further and then I will go back and we can discuss the options. I think if there is narrowing then further surgery may help, but they would have to be very careful not to make matters worse. I'm not quite sure what to make of the consultation - I was glad to get some answers and felt he really knew what he was talking about, but at the same time I am terrified that there will be nothing else they can do! I cannot tolerate this pain for much longer - I am taking high doses of tramadol and codeine and still cannot get much relief. It's actually really dragging me down and it didn't surprise me to read that over 50% of people with empty nose syndrome also develop depression. Chronic pain is so frustrating, especially when I otherwise feel so well. My current plan is to pop down and see the GP while I am waiting on the MRI and see if they have any other suggestions for better pain control. There are other drugs that can be used and I think it might be worth investigating this. Hopefully following the MRI however, there will be something the ENT can offer. Fingers crossed!
The rest of my week was very busy because I was looking at cars I am now the proud owner of a wee fiat grande punto in psychedelic azure :-) I didn't really want a new car but my old car was leased through the motability scheme and the lease ended this month. The normal procedure would be to order a new car, however because of the transplant all my benefits are under review so I wasn't able to do this. It was pretty bad timing really but these things happen and I had to say goodbye to my beautiful black megane coupe :-( I do really like the punto but the power difference is very noticable - its a 1.2 and the megane was a 1.6. Driving it home from the garage I kept thinking I had left the handbrake on haha! It's in great condition though (2 years old) and its 5 door which makes it easier for me to get Seb in and out. I think it will be ideal for tootling back and forth to work and I got a good deal.....I went to the garage without Andrew so I don't think the salesman was expecting me to haggle so much. He said he was very impressed with my persistance and boldness....and he really didn't see it coming ;-)
I also had fracture clinic yesterday morning, which went well. On xray the fracture is healing well and they are happy not to see me again unless I continue to have problems. I would say its more or less back to normal now - just occasional aching but nothing too bad. He did say I am at high risk of further fractures of a similar type but just to go back through A+E if I suspect its happened again. There is nothing really to be done prevention wise other than be careful when walking. Let's just hope it doesn't happen again!
So, it's been a busy few days and I am feeling quite tired. I am off to see Andrews mum, dad and gran tonight for some supper, and then tomorrow we are going through to my uncle's garden fete, which he holds in his parish every year. I will no doubt purchase lots of things I don't need, which I will then donate back to the fete next year...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wood Pigeons and Ear Candles
We went out for an anniversary dinner on Friday, since I was in Newcastle on the actual day. We went to a very posh restaurant (we like to be good to ourselves) and it was a lovely meal. The menu was a bit strange for my liking though - for example - "Perthshire wood pigeon". Now the main problem I have with this dish is the fact I have a wood pigeon in the garden called Percy. He likes to come daily for a bath and Seb loves to chase him. It's a love hate relationship. Anyway, based on this fact alone I could never eat wood pigeon. But to make matters worse they told me the pigeon was from Perthshire. Now I have a mental image of the pigeon growing up on the streets of Perthsire, perhaps having a family there and raising baby pigeons of his own. Now I definately couldn't order that dish! I had steak. I like to play safe.
I met some work friends on Saturday for lunch and it was lovely to catch up and have a good gossip. It's so nice being able to make plans like that and know that I will be well enough to go along and enjoy myself :-) The rest of the weekend was fairly quiet - we went to mum and dads on Sunday for dinner and yesterday we took Seb up to the country park. My foot has been much better and I have been taking Seb short walks for the past week, so thought it was time to try out something a little further afield. I got on ok, and Seb loved it, having not been for several weeks. The foot has been fine today so there doesn't seem to be any repercussions from my exertions. Hopefully this means the high heeled shoes will be ok for all my wedding ;-)
Tomorrow I have my ENT appointment, so hopefully they will have something to suggest. In the meantime I am trying out Hopi ear candling next week. Andrews mum had heard that it was very good for sinus problems so I am going to give it a go. Anything is worth a try and it can't do me any harm. Unless they burn my ears of course...
We went out for an anniversary dinner on Friday, since I was in Newcastle on the actual day. We went to a very posh restaurant (we like to be good to ourselves) and it was a lovely meal. The menu was a bit strange for my liking though - for example - "Perthshire wood pigeon". Now the main problem I have with this dish is the fact I have a wood pigeon in the garden called Percy. He likes to come daily for a bath and Seb loves to chase him. It's a love hate relationship. Anyway, based on this fact alone I could never eat wood pigeon. But to make matters worse they told me the pigeon was from Perthshire. Now I have a mental image of the pigeon growing up on the streets of Perthsire, perhaps having a family there and raising baby pigeons of his own. Now I definately couldn't order that dish! I had steak. I like to play safe.
I met some work friends on Saturday for lunch and it was lovely to catch up and have a good gossip. It's so nice being able to make plans like that and know that I will be well enough to go along and enjoy myself :-) The rest of the weekend was fairly quiet - we went to mum and dads on Sunday for dinner and yesterday we took Seb up to the country park. My foot has been much better and I have been taking Seb short walks for the past week, so thought it was time to try out something a little further afield. I got on ok, and Seb loved it, having not been for several weeks. The foot has been fine today so there doesn't seem to be any repercussions from my exertions. Hopefully this means the high heeled shoes will be ok for all my wedding ;-)
Tomorrow I have my ENT appointment, so hopefully they will have something to suggest. In the meantime I am trying out Hopi ear candling next week. Andrews mum had heard that it was very good for sinus problems so I am going to give it a go. Anything is worth a try and it can't do me any harm. Unless they burn my ears of course...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Big Shiny Gold Star for me!
My appointment at Newcastle went really well yesterday. We turned up at 7.15 am to find a queue of people waiting already, so I think I ended up being last to get all the tests done! But then I was one of the first to see the doctor so we actually escaped by 11am - a record so far.
I first had bloods taken - it took 3 painful attempts and me sitting with my hands in a bowl of hot water for 10minutes, but we got there in the end. My practice nurse must be really good at blood taking as she always gets it first time :-) I will get the blood results later today but I am not expecting any surprises. I then had lung function and x-ray. Now this is the good bit.....I blew 90% on my lung function!!!!!! I have never had a result like that in my entire life. I have always been described as 'moderately to severely' affected lung wise when I was growing up, so although I can't remember the numbers I know that my lungs have never functioned at 90%. As an example, I do know they were 45% when I was about 15/16 (and I went hill walking on that!) Anyway, needless to say I was rather smiley with that result.
Then we saw the doctor, who seemed to be really pleased with me. He showed me the graph of my lung function since transplant and it shows a lovely steady upward trend at each visit. Obviously it has to plateau soon but to have reached 90% by 4 months post transplant is pretty good going. He asked if I was taking lots of exercise and I said I was - to the point I fractured my foot - but he just seemed to be amused by that! Not so funny really ;-) The foot it much better but is still twinging a bit, so I am just being careful with it at the moment. All my other test results looked good -oxygen saturations 99%, blood pressure spot on, last blood tests all normal, weight steady and pulse has come down a bit. It was sitting at 12o all the time, but is now 105 which is much better. So, he basically said he couldn't ask for me to be any better at this stage!
I did mention the fact the acid reflux is still bothering me but he didn't have the results of the study yet, so we will discuss that when he has more information. I also have been getting terrible sinus pain again - its just constant and I am popping painkillers all the time, but with little effect. I used to take ibuprofen with good results but am not allowed to take that any more, so its making things difficult. I am still doing the daily sinus wash outs but they don't appear to be making much difference. Anyway, I have an appointment with ENT next week so am hoping they have some useful suggestions. I asked the doc yesterday if surgery would be feasible. He said my lungs are fine to cope with surgery but the problem lies more with the fact I am immunosuppressed and sinus surgery will release bacteria into the blood stream, which is not ideal. The ENT would need to discuss any options with newcastle and hopefully they can agree on something - I can be given prophylactic antibiotics pre surgery to help, so it has not been ruled out. I just really need to do something -its seriously dragging me down. I am wondering about looking into alternative therapies such as cranial osteopathy (to try and help sinuses drain) -if anyone has any experience of this, or any other bright ideas please let me know!
Other issue at the moment is this leaking peg tube site, which is getting worse as opposed to better. It can be fine for hours and then suddenly decide to leak badly, soaking through several dressings and creating an embarrassing situation. I asked about getting it stitched but apparently the surgeon doesn't like doing this because it rarely stops the leaking and has to be done via endoscope, so isn't entirely uninvasive. At this point I don't care if it only has a 10% chance of success - something needs to be done! I can't just have this leaking hole forever. I have been investigating it myself and I understand there are other surgical options, so I think my best bet is to ask to speak to the surgeon himself. The nurse is on holiday just now but I will phone next week and take it from there. I am not willing just to let this go on.
Although these other things are annoying, hopefully they can be sorted out soon enough. As far as the transplant team are concerned I am doing we will just go with that assessment for now :-) I also don't need to go back for another 7 weeks now - record gap! - and at that point they will do my 6 month bronchoscopy, which is another huge mile stone.
I did enquire about Louise when I was down at newcastle, but obviously they can't really tell me anything as its all confidential. I asked if it would be appropriate to hand in a card to ITU and they said that was fine, so all I can assume is that she is doing ok at this point in time. ITU said they would give her the card right away so I can also assume she is actually awake now. All sounds promising! Keep up the good thoughts :-)
My appointment at Newcastle went really well yesterday. We turned up at 7.15 am to find a queue of people waiting already, so I think I ended up being last to get all the tests done! But then I was one of the first to see the doctor so we actually escaped by 11am - a record so far.
I first had bloods taken - it took 3 painful attempts and me sitting with my hands in a bowl of hot water for 10minutes, but we got there in the end. My practice nurse must be really good at blood taking as she always gets it first time :-) I will get the blood results later today but I am not expecting any surprises. I then had lung function and x-ray. Now this is the good bit.....I blew 90% on my lung function!!!!!! I have never had a result like that in my entire life. I have always been described as 'moderately to severely' affected lung wise when I was growing up, so although I can't remember the numbers I know that my lungs have never functioned at 90%. As an example, I do know they were 45% when I was about 15/16 (and I went hill walking on that!) Anyway, needless to say I was rather smiley with that result.
Then we saw the doctor, who seemed to be really pleased with me. He showed me the graph of my lung function since transplant and it shows a lovely steady upward trend at each visit. Obviously it has to plateau soon but to have reached 90% by 4 months post transplant is pretty good going. He asked if I was taking lots of exercise and I said I was - to the point I fractured my foot - but he just seemed to be amused by that! Not so funny really ;-) The foot it much better but is still twinging a bit, so I am just being careful with it at the moment. All my other test results looked good -oxygen saturations 99%, blood pressure spot on, last blood tests all normal, weight steady and pulse has come down a bit. It was sitting at 12o all the time, but is now 105 which is much better. So, he basically said he couldn't ask for me to be any better at this stage!
I did mention the fact the acid reflux is still bothering me but he didn't have the results of the study yet, so we will discuss that when he has more information. I also have been getting terrible sinus pain again - its just constant and I am popping painkillers all the time, but with little effect. I used to take ibuprofen with good results but am not allowed to take that any more, so its making things difficult. I am still doing the daily sinus wash outs but they don't appear to be making much difference. Anyway, I have an appointment with ENT next week so am hoping they have some useful suggestions. I asked the doc yesterday if surgery would be feasible. He said my lungs are fine to cope with surgery but the problem lies more with the fact I am immunosuppressed and sinus surgery will release bacteria into the blood stream, which is not ideal. The ENT would need to discuss any options with newcastle and hopefully they can agree on something - I can be given prophylactic antibiotics pre surgery to help, so it has not been ruled out. I just really need to do something -its seriously dragging me down. I am wondering about looking into alternative therapies such as cranial osteopathy (to try and help sinuses drain) -if anyone has any experience of this, or any other bright ideas please let me know!
Other issue at the moment is this leaking peg tube site, which is getting worse as opposed to better. It can be fine for hours and then suddenly decide to leak badly, soaking through several dressings and creating an embarrassing situation. I asked about getting it stitched but apparently the surgeon doesn't like doing this because it rarely stops the leaking and has to be done via endoscope, so isn't entirely uninvasive. At this point I don't care if it only has a 10% chance of success - something needs to be done! I can't just have this leaking hole forever. I have been investigating it myself and I understand there are other surgical options, so I think my best bet is to ask to speak to the surgeon himself. The nurse is on holiday just now but I will phone next week and take it from there. I am not willing just to let this go on.
Although these other things are annoying, hopefully they can be sorted out soon enough. As far as the transplant team are concerned I am doing we will just go with that assessment for now :-) I also don't need to go back for another 7 weeks now - record gap! - and at that point they will do my 6 month bronchoscopy, which is another huge mile stone.
I did enquire about Louise when I was down at newcastle, but obviously they can't really tell me anything as its all confidential. I asked if it would be appropriate to hand in a card to ITU and they said that was fine, so all I can assume is that she is doing ok at this point in time. ITU said they would give her the card right away so I can also assume she is actually awake now. All sounds promising! Keep up the good thoughts :-)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Today is my 4th wedding anniversary. The last few years have been difficult, coping with the loss of Frances Ann, with my declining health, being on the transplant list and finally the major events of this year when the transplant finally came. What a roller coaster our married life has been! But without Andrew I'm not sure how I would have coped and at least I can say we have jumped these hurdles together and maybe that has made us even stronger. In fact, I know it has.
Maybe now we are due some luck and a smoother journey for a while. Here's to a great year ahead, with fun, laughter and love :-) Happy Anniversary to us!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back to reality
Well after my five minutes of fame on Friday, it's back to reality. It's even back to reality with the hair, which I have been wrestling with all week. The hair dresser made styling it look pretty simple but unfortunately this is not so! The main issue is the fact my hair is actually very curly (believe it or not) so I have to learn to tame it more with the hair dryer. I have in fact even ordered a new hair dryer - one of those salon style ideas with lots of speed and heat settings (my current one has one setting only haha). It arrived this morning - there were 21 (!) colours to choose from and I thought I had ordered purple, but I had in fact ordered a horrible beige colour. Probably the worst one out of all 21. Ah well, as long as it works. Will try it tomorrow...
I've had a quiet time of it lately, mostly trying to rest the foot. It seemed a lot better yesterday so I took Seb for a short walk without the crutches and there did not appear to be any repercussions. I know I should probably rest it more, but I was literally going stir crazy being stuck in the house (as was Seb) and I would even say that it was beginning to affect my mood and I felt quite down. It was just like being back to pre transplant when I couldn't get out and about and was just stuck in the house all day feeling a bit sorry for myself. Anyway I felt a lot better after getting out in the fresh air for a short while so I think it was the most sensible thing to do - for my sanity more than anything. I went out again today and the foot seems to be ok so hopefully that means it is well on the mend now. It's probably a bit too soon to be driving again (he said to wait until I had been walking on it comfortably for a 'while') - but hopefully soon!
I went into my work last week to catch up with people and try and formulate a plan for going back to work. Newcastle had advised me 6 months to a year before I go back to work. I was originally planning on the 6 month mark and was hoping to go back in early November, but have instead decided that January is more realistic. This gives me time to get through my 6 month bronchoscopy, continue the rehabilitation and also to have a chance to enjoy my first Christmas and New Year post transplant :-) So hopefully I will be going back in early January - initially just a few half days a week and take it from there. These part time posts are funded separately, and there is very limited funding available, however I have been on the list since my transplant so should be ok in this respect. I will be going back to the same job I was doing in Old Age Psychiatry within the same community team (which is fantastic because I love the team and they all know about my transplant, so no need to explain anything). I don't know what my longer term plans will be though. I think possibly looking at staff grade jobs - these are non training posts, which basically means you are not under an obligation to sit the exams, although I probably will anyway, and there is no on call - but on the downside you are not then climbing the ladder to consultancy (although this might change in the future). I suppose it depends how much that title means to you! However as a staff grade I would still manage my own case load and make my own decisions, so I think this would be a good way forward for me. I feel that I didn't go through this transplant and be given a second chance at life, to then spend it in a training post doing overnight and weekend on call and being put under pressure to sit post graduate exams within a certain time frame. I love my job and I am ambitious, but I also have a different perspective on things now. I want to live my life as well!
I am back down in Newcastle tomorrow for clinic on Thursday. It's just a routine clinic with chest xray and lung function. I don't think there will be anything to worry about so hopefully will be straight back up the road on Thursday afternoon/evening. I will post with an update.
Also just to mention that a friend of mine, Louise, who has been waiting on her transplant for the past year, has finally had the call! I don't have any more news other than she is getting the surgery just now in Newcastle - so keep her in your prayers please.
p.s I think I have emailed the daily record article to everyone who asked - if I have missed someone please let me know, or if anyone else wants a copy just leave me your email in the comments or guestbook :-)
Well after my five minutes of fame on Friday, it's back to reality. It's even back to reality with the hair, which I have been wrestling with all week. The hair dresser made styling it look pretty simple but unfortunately this is not so! The main issue is the fact my hair is actually very curly (believe it or not) so I have to learn to tame it more with the hair dryer. I have in fact even ordered a new hair dryer - one of those salon style ideas with lots of speed and heat settings (my current one has one setting only haha). It arrived this morning - there were 21 (!) colours to choose from and I thought I had ordered purple, but I had in fact ordered a horrible beige colour. Probably the worst one out of all 21. Ah well, as long as it works. Will try it tomorrow...
I've had a quiet time of it lately, mostly trying to rest the foot. It seemed a lot better yesterday so I took Seb for a short walk without the crutches and there did not appear to be any repercussions. I know I should probably rest it more, but I was literally going stir crazy being stuck in the house (as was Seb) and I would even say that it was beginning to affect my mood and I felt quite down. It was just like being back to pre transplant when I couldn't get out and about and was just stuck in the house all day feeling a bit sorry for myself. Anyway I felt a lot better after getting out in the fresh air for a short while so I think it was the most sensible thing to do - for my sanity more than anything. I went out again today and the foot seems to be ok so hopefully that means it is well on the mend now. It's probably a bit too soon to be driving again (he said to wait until I had been walking on it comfortably for a 'while') - but hopefully soon!
I went into my work last week to catch up with people and try and formulate a plan for going back to work. Newcastle had advised me 6 months to a year before I go back to work. I was originally planning on the 6 month mark and was hoping to go back in early November, but have instead decided that January is more realistic. This gives me time to get through my 6 month bronchoscopy, continue the rehabilitation and also to have a chance to enjoy my first Christmas and New Year post transplant :-) So hopefully I will be going back in early January - initially just a few half days a week and take it from there. These part time posts are funded separately, and there is very limited funding available, however I have been on the list since my transplant so should be ok in this respect. I will be going back to the same job I was doing in Old Age Psychiatry within the same community team (which is fantastic because I love the team and they all know about my transplant, so no need to explain anything). I don't know what my longer term plans will be though. I think possibly looking at staff grade jobs - these are non training posts, which basically means you are not under an obligation to sit the exams, although I probably will anyway, and there is no on call - but on the downside you are not then climbing the ladder to consultancy (although this might change in the future). I suppose it depends how much that title means to you! However as a staff grade I would still manage my own case load and make my own decisions, so I think this would be a good way forward for me. I feel that I didn't go through this transplant and be given a second chance at life, to then spend it in a training post doing overnight and weekend on call and being put under pressure to sit post graduate exams within a certain time frame. I love my job and I am ambitious, but I also have a different perspective on things now. I want to live my life as well!
I am back down in Newcastle tomorrow for clinic on Thursday. It's just a routine clinic with chest xray and lung function. I don't think there will be anything to worry about so hopefully will be straight back up the road on Thursday afternoon/evening. I will post with an update.
Also just to mention that a friend of mine, Louise, who has been waiting on her transplant for the past year, has finally had the call! I don't have any more news other than she is getting the surgery just now in Newcastle - so keep her in your prayers please.
p.s I think I have emailed the daily record article to everyone who asked - if I have missed someone please let me know, or if anyone else wants a copy just leave me your email in the comments or guestbook :-)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Five minutes of Fame
Click here for the article online (scroll down page after its loaded)
You can only see the photo's in the paper - if anyone is desperate to see them and can't get the paper, then leave me your email in comments or guestbook and I will try and scan the article.
I'm really pleased with the article overall - the diary part is what I wrote myself, and bar a little editing to make the word count and the adding of some headings, they haven't changed anything. I'm also pleased with the photo (thank goodness), although I have to admit my hair no longer looks so neat and tidy. I tried to dry it myself yesterday and it's sticking up all over the place! More effort and practice required I think ;-)
Click here for the article online (scroll down page after its loaded)
You can only see the photo's in the paper - if anyone is desperate to see them and can't get the paper, then leave me your email in comments or guestbook and I will try and scan the article.
I'm really pleased with the article overall - the diary part is what I wrote myself, and bar a little editing to make the word count and the adding of some headings, they haven't changed anything. I'm also pleased with the photo (thank goodness), although I have to admit my hair no longer looks so neat and tidy. I tried to dry it myself yesterday and it's sticking up all over the place! More effort and practice required I think ;-)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So I headed off to Debenhams on Monday morning and met my personal shopper, Therese, who was to help me choose a new outfit for the daily record photo shoot. She had already selected some items to try and get an idea of what I liked and disliked - she said I was easy to work with because I was very definite about what I liked, haha. I had already spotted some trousers in the Principles part of Debenhams a couple of weeks ago but unfortunately I could only choose from Debenhams own ranges so those weren't allowed. Needless to say I bought them anyway ;-) I wanted a casual outfit so that it would be something I could wear again, as I am not much of a fancy dresser. We eventually decided on some jeans, a grey t shirt top with a grey pin stripe fitted blazer on top. I also got little grey tweedy ballet shoes, a matching grey bag and a necklace and bracelet! I was really pleased with the final outfit and I thought it was more interesting with the blazer but was still something I would be able to wear again. As it was now lunch time the personal shopper arranged for us to get a free lunch in Debenhams, so that was a lovely
way to finish the morning.
Yesterday morning we had to be at Taylor Ferguson's (top Glasgow salon) for 8.45am so it was an early start for us (mum came with me). I was delighted when I arrived and realised it was Taylor Ferguson himself that would be cutting my hair -nothing but the best! I think he was probably a little disappointed with my lack of adventure, as I clutched my hair and said 'not too short!' We decided on some layers, as it was all pretty flat before, and a side fringe that I can keep back into hair or bring forward. Colour wise we went a shade darker with some tiny blonde high lights on top. I think he wanted to do something a bit wilder and he said that I shouldn't be going darker in the summer - what summer?! However he also said it was my hair so my choice and I stuck to my guns and was really pleased with the final look. I think it's probably the best cut I've had, so now I need to save up to go back in future :-) The junior stylist came to blow dry it afterwards and she said "I think we will go big volume with bits flicking out all round" and I said ", can you just dry it straight?!" She said that I had to tell Taylor Ferguson that I had asked for it like that! He came over afterwards to finish it off and he put this strange powder through it which immediately made it go really big. He kept lifting it up to show me how to "joosh" it up (meaning, make it big). After he left I flattened it all down again but unfortunately he came back to check on me before we left and saw what I had done. I think he despaired. He told the journalist that I had to 'joosh' it for the photos and that I knew how to do this. Needless to say I didn't joosh anything..
After the hair I also got my makeup done in the salon. She didn't ask me what I liked or anything - just got on with it. She appeared to use about four different eyeliners and I was rather alarmed with the end result. In fact when I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror I had a look of great surprise, so much so that she asked if I was ok. I paused before quietly saying 'do you not think the eye liner is a bit much?" I think she was quite annoyed actually and retorted that if I didn't have it like that it would look as if I had no make up on in the photo. So, i just went with it. I think it's because I am not used to wearing much make up so it was just so different - I got more used to it as the day went on, so hopefully it will look ok in the photograph.
After the hair and make up the journalist picked us up and we went over to the Daily Record studio. We had to wait quite a while as another shoot was taking place and they were running late. It wasn't too bad though and we has some lunch while we waited and then I had to get changed into my new outfit. The photographer didn't take too long with my photos as he was aware that my foot was sore so standing without the crutches for too long was a bit awkward. I had some shots taken standing up and then a few sitting on the floor. Then he asked mum to get into the photo. She was mortified and said "but I haven't had my makeup done!" but then she didn't hesitate too long before getting into shot. He took a couple of really cheesy photos of mum and me with faces together. Oh dear. I'm not sure which one they will choose but hopefully I won't be too embarrassed by the final choice.
The journalist thinks the article will be in the paper towards the end of the week but will hopefully let me know the day before. You will probably be able to see the article online but I think you will only get the photos in the paper itself. I don't have any pics of the new hair so you will just need to wait and see!
p.s speaking of the daily record, if you still haven't voted for wee Seb in the petchamp competition, then please do! I think it closes at the end of this month.
click here to vote for need to register first and then you can vote in each category :-)
So I headed off to Debenhams on Monday morning and met my personal shopper, Therese, who was to help me choose a new outfit for the daily record photo shoot. She had already selected some items to try and get an idea of what I liked and disliked - she said I was easy to work with because I was very definite about what I liked, haha. I had already spotted some trousers in the Principles part of Debenhams a couple of weeks ago but unfortunately I could only choose from Debenhams own ranges so those weren't allowed. Needless to say I bought them anyway ;-) I wanted a casual outfit so that it would be something I could wear again, as I am not much of a fancy dresser. We eventually decided on some jeans, a grey t shirt top with a grey pin stripe fitted blazer on top. I also got little grey tweedy ballet shoes, a matching grey bag and a necklace and bracelet! I was really pleased with the final outfit and I thought it was more interesting with the blazer but was still something I would be able to wear again. As it was now lunch time the personal shopper arranged for us to get a free lunch in Debenhams, so that was a lovely
way to finish the morning.
Yesterday morning we had to be at Taylor Ferguson's (top Glasgow salon) for 8.45am so it was an early start for us (mum came with me). I was delighted when I arrived and realised it was Taylor Ferguson himself that would be cutting my hair -nothing but the best! I think he was probably a little disappointed with my lack of adventure, as I clutched my hair and said 'not too short!' We decided on some layers, as it was all pretty flat before, and a side fringe that I can keep back into hair or bring forward. Colour wise we went a shade darker with some tiny blonde high lights on top. I think he wanted to do something a bit wilder and he said that I shouldn't be going darker in the summer - what summer?! However he also said it was my hair so my choice and I stuck to my guns and was really pleased with the final look. I think it's probably the best cut I've had, so now I need to save up to go back in future :-) The junior stylist came to blow dry it afterwards and she said "I think we will go big volume with bits flicking out all round" and I said ", can you just dry it straight?!" She said that I had to tell Taylor Ferguson that I had asked for it like that! He came over afterwards to finish it off and he put this strange powder through it which immediately made it go really big. He kept lifting it up to show me how to "joosh" it up (meaning, make it big). After he left I flattened it all down again but unfortunately he came back to check on me before we left and saw what I had done. I think he despaired. He told the journalist that I had to 'joosh' it for the photos and that I knew how to do this. Needless to say I didn't joosh anything..
After the hair I also got my makeup done in the salon. She didn't ask me what I liked or anything - just got on with it. She appeared to use about four different eyeliners and I was rather alarmed with the end result. In fact when I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror I had a look of great surprise, so much so that she asked if I was ok. I paused before quietly saying 'do you not think the eye liner is a bit much?" I think she was quite annoyed actually and retorted that if I didn't have it like that it would look as if I had no make up on in the photo. So, i just went with it. I think it's because I am not used to wearing much make up so it was just so different - I got more used to it as the day went on, so hopefully it will look ok in the photograph.
After the hair and make up the journalist picked us up and we went over to the Daily Record studio. We had to wait quite a while as another shoot was taking place and they were running late. It wasn't too bad though and we has some lunch while we waited and then I had to get changed into my new outfit. The photographer didn't take too long with my photos as he was aware that my foot was sore so standing without the crutches for too long was a bit awkward. I had some shots taken standing up and then a few sitting on the floor. Then he asked mum to get into the photo. She was mortified and said "but I haven't had my makeup done!" but then she didn't hesitate too long before getting into shot. He took a couple of really cheesy photos of mum and me with faces together. Oh dear. I'm not sure which one they will choose but hopefully I won't be too embarrassed by the final choice.
The journalist thinks the article will be in the paper towards the end of the week but will hopefully let me know the day before. You will probably be able to see the article online but I think you will only get the photos in the paper itself. I don't have any pics of the new hair so you will just need to wait and see!
p.s speaking of the daily record, if you still haven't voted for wee Seb in the petchamp competition, then please do! I think it closes at the end of this month.
click here to vote for need to register first and then you can vote in each category :-)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Back home..
I enjoyed the rest of my wee break in Ireland and although the weather turned against us, we still managed to get out and about and have a lovely time. On thursday we visited the Giants Causeway - I think they show this on all the TV adverts encouraging people to visit Ireland, but I must say it looks very different in the proper Irish weather.
It was a little wet..
Fortunately there was a wee bus that takes you down to the shore, as there is no way I could walk down there on crutches. Rather amusingly myself and Andrew got the bus for half price because mum had said to the driver "just us and the two young ones". He obviously assumed she meant two children - I know I only look about 15 but I think Andrew is pushing it getting on for a half fare, haha! On the way back up there were only three seats left on the bus so poor Dad was left to walk back up in the pouring rain. It's quite a hike up the hill and we all felt sorry for him as we browsed around the gift shop while waiting ;-)
In the afternoon we went into Derry for some shopping. We went to one of the big centres so we could get a wheelchair for me, as technically I'm not supposed to be walking about on this foot. I have tried to be good but it's quite hard when you are away on holiday. We managed to make a few purchases each (the men spent more than us!) although I was a bit huffy in my wheelchair. It took my right back to the frustration of pre-transplant and I hated the feeling - like I had just taken 10 steps backwards and was suddenly relying on everyone else again. I must say though, that despite the broken foot, I am still more mobile than I was before the transplant. At least I am not breathless and I am not tired and unwell, so it was still much easier to get about.
On Friday we went to Letterkenny for a look about and just did a bit more touring around Donegal. We also went to the cinema to see the new batman film "The Dark Knight" which was quite good. We did also go to the pub one night as they had live music. It hadn't started when we arrived and we thought we were clever taking a seat quite far from the speaker so it woudn't be too loud. Big mistake - we couldn't hear hee-haw! Although to be honest the pub was so noisy that I don't think the people standing right next to the band could hear much either. After enjoying a couple of pints of guiness we headed home, although I nearly forgot my crutches - funny how the guiness is a cure for so many ailments ;-)
So, all in all a great holiday was had by all. It's back to reality now though and already the foot is getting on my nerves because I can't just come and go as I please. Wee Seb is back home and has been giving me 'the stare' all day, hoping that I will take him a walk. I wish I could explain to him why I can't take him out...and I'm not sure how long it will be before I can. Very frustrating! On the upside though, I have my trip to choose a new outfit courtesy of the Daily Record tomorrow and then getting my new hair-do on Tuesday. I'm not sure how adventurous I will be but probably not very. Mum is coming to stay for a couple of nights as I can't drive to any of these places so she is having to be my chauffeur and dog walker again. Just when she thought she had her life back! Never mind, it hopefully wont be for too long. I think the article will be in wednesday or thursday paper but if I hear differently I will update the blog.
Leaving you with some more pics of Ireland...this time without the rain
Baby swallows in a nest!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Blogging from Ireland
It's me! From Ireland!
We set off early on Monday morning to catch the ferry from Troon to Larne - needless to say we were the last car on the ferry but we made it, so that's the important thing. We are staying in a small town called Buncrana which is a couple of hours drive from Larne, so it was late afternoon before we finally arrived. After the obligatory Irish 'cup o tea' we went for a wee drive around the local area, which is really beautiful, and then went out for dinner.
Yesterday we set off fairly early and spent the morning at the 'Famine village' which tells the story of life in Ireland over the past 200 years. It was really interesting and of course there was another 'cup o tea' at the end of the tour. It really is a shame that I don't actually drink tea! In the afternoon we drove up to Malin Head, which is the most northerly point in Ireland. We got out the car at the top of the hill, nearly got blown away and pretty much got straight back in! We then just did a bit of touring around in the car as I am pretty limited with walking at the moment.
Today I insisted on everyone going to a pet show in a nearby town called Clonmany. They have a festival at this time every year so the town was very busy. I enjoyed watching all the dogs in the show, although I think everyone else was pretty bored. I didn't however make them stay for the cats and rabbits ;-) It's a shame wee Seb wasn't with us as I am sure he would have loved meeting all the other dogs. I've heard he is having a great time at Anne and John's and they have sent us a photo of him lounging up on the sofa (which he is most certainly not allowed to do at home!) Amazing what he gets away with at his grannys :-)
My foot hasn't been too painful as long as I keep the weight off it although I am still hobbling about on crutches. I am getting pretty good at them now and can move quite fast - only problem is that my right hand is now hurting from leaning on the crutches and it's putting quite a lot of pressure through my breast bone (which is still healing from the surgery). I did want to do some upper body strengthening exercises though and I am certainly getting to do that so I won't complain too much! I did also have a bit of a minor panic before we left because I started to feel quite sick over the weekend and when I phoned Newcastle to ask about taking anti-sickness tablets they insisted I get some urgent bloods in case something else was wrong. I couldn't bear the thought of going to A+E for a second time that weekend so after a phone call to my CF ward they very kindly agreed to check my bloods on Sunday night. The main worry was that my magnesium levels were low again but they were fine. My kidney function was off slightly but this could be something as simple as not drinking enough, so I am taking lots of fluids and this can get rechecked once I am home. The other thing that could make me feel sick is the antirejection levels being too high - these bloods are processed by Newcastle though so I won't get the results until tomorrow or Friday. I have been feeling less sick as the week has gone on though, so hopefully it was just nothing at all!
Well, I will leave you with some pictures of my trip so far...
Glashedy Rock

Mum having a carry on (she may have been singing 'the hills are alive')

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Fracture Clinic
I had to attend the fracture clinic this morning, although there isn't really much more news to report! The doctor said he could see the fracture on x-ray (3rd metatarsal for anyone interested) but it wasn't displaced, so I don't need a cast on. Thank goodness! They took the bandages off from yesterday and replaced this with some double rolled tubigrip - so I can get my trainer on now, where as yesterday I had to put Andrew's giant sandle on, which did make me look rather ridiculous. I have to go back in three weeks time if it is still painful and they will re-xray it. Hopefully I will be well on the road to recovery by then.
I have been told the pain will probably start to ease after 10-14 days although it will remain uncomfortable after that. I can start to walk on it when it becomes painless to do so, but until then it's to be rested as much as possible and I have to use the crutches for getting about. I'm not allowed to drive until I have been able to walk on it painlessly for some time, so not sure how long that will take. I am more concerned with being able to get into high heeled shoes for all my weddings in September. I really must be able to wear those red ones by the end of September though!
I asked about prevention of further fracture but he said there was very little I could do, other than 'trying not to fall over and not jumping up and down'. Helpful advice ;-) He did also say that it's quite possible the other metatarsals could also fracture because of the change in weight distribution on them. Let's just hope that doesn't happen. His only other advice was to make sure I wore decent thick soled trainers/shoes - I wear my walking trainers most of the time anyway so not much more I can do there. I will make sure I wear decent trainers when driving as well though, in case that has anything to do with it.
Anyway that's all my foot news for today, so now I'm off to finish packing. Ireland here I come..
I had to attend the fracture clinic this morning, although there isn't really much more news to report! The doctor said he could see the fracture on x-ray (3rd metatarsal for anyone interested) but it wasn't displaced, so I don't need a cast on. Thank goodness! They took the bandages off from yesterday and replaced this with some double rolled tubigrip - so I can get my trainer on now, where as yesterday I had to put Andrew's giant sandle on, which did make me look rather ridiculous. I have to go back in three weeks time if it is still painful and they will re-xray it. Hopefully I will be well on the road to recovery by then.
I have been told the pain will probably start to ease after 10-14 days although it will remain uncomfortable after that. I can start to walk on it when it becomes painless to do so, but until then it's to be rested as much as possible and I have to use the crutches for getting about. I'm not allowed to drive until I have been able to walk on it painlessly for some time, so not sure how long that will take. I am more concerned with being able to get into high heeled shoes for all my weddings in September. I really must be able to wear those red ones by the end of September though!
I asked about prevention of further fracture but he said there was very little I could do, other than 'trying not to fall over and not jumping up and down'. Helpful advice ;-) He did also say that it's quite possible the other metatarsals could also fracture because of the change in weight distribution on them. Let's just hope that doesn't happen. His only other advice was to make sure I wore decent thick soled trainers/shoes - I wear my walking trainers most of the time anyway so not much more I can do there. I will make sure I wear decent trainers when driving as well though, in case that has anything to do with it.
Anyway that's all my foot news for today, so now I'm off to finish packing. Ireland here I come..
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Broken Foot!
Well I have just spent the morning at A+E and the bad news is that I have fractured my foot, so I now have a big padded bandage up to my knee and a pair of crutches! The pain came on suddenly yesterday and by this morning I could hardly put any weight on the foot. It's a stress fracture, probably caused by all the activity my poor bones are not accustomed to, in combination with the fact I have osteoporosis so the bones are already thin. I am already on medication for my bones, so not sure what else I can do. Probably some exercises to build the leg muscles so that they can protect the bones more effectively. I have to attend fracture clinic tomorrow morning so will get a better idea of how long it take to heal, and hopefully wont end up with a cast on! I can't believe this has happened when I am going to Ireland on Monday -I was imagining nice long walks on the beach and lots of sight seeing. I think perhaps I should take a good book instead ;-) I also wont be able to drive again, having just got this freedom back last week - not sure how long this will be for, but hopefully not too long as it really feels like a backward step. I do have to see the funny side of things though and you have to admit, it really is quite ironic that after going through major surgery and getting new lungs, I now can't walk because of a sore foot. We also had a good laugh in A+E when, sitting waiting on the doctor, Andrew said 'we could just put one of those on each and see if anyone says anything' while pointing to a pile of large plastic neck collars. I took an absolute fit of the giggles as the visual image of this popped into my head and by the time the doctor arrived I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Luckily I think he assumed it was just the pain ;-)
Other news is that I am going to be in the Daily Record - probably the week after next, but I will keep you posted. Some of you will remember that I was in the record last year, when they printed a copy of the speech I gave at Scottish Parliament, as part of the Live Life then Give Life campaign, where I talked about life on the transplant list. Well, they contacted me after my transplant to see if I would do a follow up article. I was initially very hesitant as I get really anxious about these things, however we have reached a compromise whereby I have written most of the article myself (a good 1600 words) - it's a sort of diary of my time on list until my transplant and hopefully will give people a good insight into the whole experience. As a treat they have organised for me to get my hair done at Taylor Ferguson's, a top Glasgow salon, and also for me to choose a new outfit from Debenhams!! This is all happening the week I come back from Ireland so it will be a busy but exiting week :-)
I also had a major faux pas this week (actually so far this hasn't been a great week!) I had the great news from my transplant doctor that I would be allowed to fly down to London for one of my September weddings, which is in Suffolk. He said I would be ok with a short haul flight. Anyway, I got myself all organised and booked the flights and arranged hire car at the airport. It was only when I was telling someone about the wedding and they asked the date, that I realised with that awful sinking feeling that I had in fact booked the flights for the wrong dates! I had booked them for the dates of one of my other September weddings. Arghhh...what a doughball! It cost me £80 to transfer the flights but at least it's sorted now. I could have potentially turned up that weekend with no flights. Feeling really stupid about the whole thing, I was saying to Andrew how it really wasn't like me. He did agree that I was usually a lot more on the ball than that but did suggest I had a slight problem with 'numbers on the internet'. He then cited the first example of the time I tried to order 3 onions from tesco online but did infact order 3kg. They actually brought 3kg as well - bags and bags of onions. I was giving them away for weeks! Then there was the time I sold a painting on ebay and only after the completion of the sale realised I had advertised it as 2 metres long when it was in fact 20cm. Not much difference there then! Fortunately the buyer hadn't realised the size and was probably just relieved she wasn't about to take delivery of a painting bigger than a human being. None of these are as bad as the time my mum managed to order 3 golf trolleys online, having thought the order has not gone through initially. Maybe the problem is hereditary...
Anyway, I won't be blogging for a wee while as I'm not back from Ireland until next Saturday. Until then if you haven't already voted for Seb (see post below) then do it now! How can this wee face not deserve 5 stars??!
Well I have just spent the morning at A+E and the bad news is that I have fractured my foot, so I now have a big padded bandage up to my knee and a pair of crutches! The pain came on suddenly yesterday and by this morning I could hardly put any weight on the foot. It's a stress fracture, probably caused by all the activity my poor bones are not accustomed to, in combination with the fact I have osteoporosis so the bones are already thin. I am already on medication for my bones, so not sure what else I can do. Probably some exercises to build the leg muscles so that they can protect the bones more effectively. I have to attend fracture clinic tomorrow morning so will get a better idea of how long it take to heal, and hopefully wont end up with a cast on! I can't believe this has happened when I am going to Ireland on Monday -I was imagining nice long walks on the beach and lots of sight seeing. I think perhaps I should take a good book instead ;-) I also wont be able to drive again, having just got this freedom back last week - not sure how long this will be for, but hopefully not too long as it really feels like a backward step. I do have to see the funny side of things though and you have to admit, it really is quite ironic that after going through major surgery and getting new lungs, I now can't walk because of a sore foot. We also had a good laugh in A+E when, sitting waiting on the doctor, Andrew said 'we could just put one of those on each and see if anyone says anything' while pointing to a pile of large plastic neck collars. I took an absolute fit of the giggles as the visual image of this popped into my head and by the time the doctor arrived I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Luckily I think he assumed it was just the pain ;-)
Other news is that I am going to be in the Daily Record - probably the week after next, but I will keep you posted. Some of you will remember that I was in the record last year, when they printed a copy of the speech I gave at Scottish Parliament, as part of the Live Life then Give Life campaign, where I talked about life on the transplant list. Well, they contacted me after my transplant to see if I would do a follow up article. I was initially very hesitant as I get really anxious about these things, however we have reached a compromise whereby I have written most of the article myself (a good 1600 words) - it's a sort of diary of my time on list until my transplant and hopefully will give people a good insight into the whole experience. As a treat they have organised for me to get my hair done at Taylor Ferguson's, a top Glasgow salon, and also for me to choose a new outfit from Debenhams!! This is all happening the week I come back from Ireland so it will be a busy but exiting week :-)
I also had a major faux pas this week (actually so far this hasn't been a great week!) I had the great news from my transplant doctor that I would be allowed to fly down to London for one of my September weddings, which is in Suffolk. He said I would be ok with a short haul flight. Anyway, I got myself all organised and booked the flights and arranged hire car at the airport. It was only when I was telling someone about the wedding and they asked the date, that I realised with that awful sinking feeling that I had in fact booked the flights for the wrong dates! I had booked them for the dates of one of my other September weddings. Arghhh...what a doughball! It cost me £80 to transfer the flights but at least it's sorted now. I could have potentially turned up that weekend with no flights. Feeling really stupid about the whole thing, I was saying to Andrew how it really wasn't like me. He did agree that I was usually a lot more on the ball than that but did suggest I had a slight problem with 'numbers on the internet'. He then cited the first example of the time I tried to order 3 onions from tesco online but did infact order 3kg. They actually brought 3kg as well - bags and bags of onions. I was giving them away for weeks! Then there was the time I sold a painting on ebay and only after the completion of the sale realised I had advertised it as 2 metres long when it was in fact 20cm. Not much difference there then! Fortunately the buyer hadn't realised the size and was probably just relieved she wasn't about to take delivery of a painting bigger than a human being. None of these are as bad as the time my mum managed to order 3 golf trolleys online, having thought the order has not gone through initially. Maybe the problem is hereditary...
Anyway, I won't be blogging for a wee while as I'm not back from Ireland until next Saturday. Until then if you haven't already voted for Seb (see post below) then do it now! How can this wee face not deserve 5 stars??!

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