New Year 2008 - I spent all of New Year in that chair with that blanket - not exactly rock 'n' roll but at least I was at home with my family! Shortly after I was admitted to hospital with one of the worst infections I have had.
February 2008 - trying out the new stair lift! I find it hard to believe I needed to use that. I was so proud and tried to hard to keep going with the stairs, but by this point I was relying on Andrew to carry me up! Very romantic eh? ;-) Now I can sprint up them!
March 2008 - the month of my false alarm and 'pretend' transplant. The lowest month of the year and one of the lowest times in my life. I can never have disappointment like that wake up thinking my new life was just beginning and it had not even come close. I have no photos from March funnily enough (other than a picture of my scar which I will not subject you to!)
April 2008 - 4 weeks after my false alarm (looking surprisingly well, despite feeling pretty rough and still being on IV antibiotics). This was at my good friend Anna's wedding and I am so glad I managed to make it. Little was I to know that the call was going to come only 6 days later!!

April 25th 2008 - view flying down to Newcastle for transplant. A sunrise; a new beginning.
April 2 days post transplant (ITU) - trying to smile but jeez, I was in pain!!
April Day 4 post transplant - moved to HDU and already looking better!
May 1 week post transplant - gosh, what a difference a week makes! Had been on the bike by this point, and now pumping iron ;-)
May 2008 - Back home and walking at the country park! I think it was 9 am on a Sunday haha (possibly still high on steroids ;-))
June 2008 - my dear friend Lucie's wedding weekend. Can't believe I was allowed to go. I somehow fitted my transplant around the 5 weddings I had in 2008 :-)

August 2008 - First holiday in a long time! Ireland - wet, wild, windy but fab :-) Ignore the crutches - that was a minor blip in the recovery process ;-)

September 2008 - 3 weddings in September! This was taken at my friends Lyndsay's wedding. It was a great day and I had a ball :-)
October 2008 - dressed up for Halloween party! Making the most of being able to get out and about....even if I am dressed as a bumble bee.
December 2008 -decorating the tree. What a huge contrast to last Christmas. At least I am dressed this year haha!

I think that sums things up fairly well....a year that started with a fear that it may even be the last, but the glittering hope that it might just be the start. And what a start it was. I now look forward to 2009 where I hope and pray that my dreams can continue to come true! I am excited (and scared!) about going back to work in February but that really will mark another new beginning. Early in the new year I will be getting my troops ready and organised for the big Team Jac walk in May. In the meantime it will be back to the gym to try and get a bit fitter! It is also my own and Andrews 30th birthdays this year (and most of our friends 30ths!) and of course, April 25th will mark my 1 year transplant anniversary. I also have a few holidays planned - a couple of weekends and a family trip to Tuscany in September which I am very much looking forward to :-) Gosh, I am tired out just thinking about it all!
My New Years resolutions are simple. Enjoy each day, do not ever wish time away, try not to be fearful about what may never happen, and most of all, have fun, fun, fun!