Friday, September 11, 2009


Well, it's been a busy week but tomorrow I jet off to Tuscany! The weather forecast is a bit dodgy with a lot of showers on and off all week but hopefully there will be plenty sunshine in between. It was about 29c last week and now dropped to 24c which is probably better for walking around. Although I am going to try and do slightly less of the walking around and more of the sitting around this holiday. We have a nice villa to share which has a pool so lots of opportunity for relaxation :-)

We had a nice meal on Wednesday to remember Frances Ann and Corey was able to stay up for that which was nice. After deciding I need to be more careful with high calorie food following my recent weight gain I then scoffed a large piece of chocolate fudge cake with cream. Not much will power.

I am still working away of our new CF booklet and at the moment am researching eating disorder behaviour in people with CF. One of the psychiatry consultants has an interest in CF and I went to see him this morning and collect some material. We had a chat about it and I have a pile of journal articles to look at....might leave that until after the holiday!

I will report back on my return....all rejuventated and refreshed ;-)


Post Pals said...

Have a lovely holiday. Sorry I was going to leave a comment to say I was thinking of you on weds but didnt get around to it (I did get around to thinkingof you though!)

Rebecca said...

Have a lovely holiday! Take it easy and have a great time!


Becky xxx

lulu said...

You have the best time hunny and yeh, leave the CF booklet till you come back. It will be there waiting for you no doubt but you have a complete break! Loadsa love xxxx