Friday, March 19, 2010

On the Up?

I hope so!  I haven't updated because there was no change over the past week so nothing to report.  Yesterday however I did feel a bit better so thought I better let everyone know I am still alive ;-)

Last week the sickness had been better but it came back last weekend so I headed up to the hospital on Tuesday.   By this time the joints weren't as bad but I was back to just feeling non specifically 'unwell' with a borderline temperature and nausea.  I have lost about 4kg in the few weeks which isn't ideal as my weight is now below normal again but I am sure I will be able to regain that with some tasty treats.   When I saw the doctor it seemed like my bowel was obstructing again which might explain why the nausea came back - especially if I have had a virus and my threshold for feeling sick is low at the moment due to this.  In CF the sticky mucus is also present in the bowel (as well as lungs, sinuses etc) which can cause obstructions so I have increased my medication for this.  I also explained how bad my sinuses are at the moment because I am not sure if this is adding to the unwell feeling and might be causing the flickers in temperature.  The doc wants me to increase the antbiotic I restarted last month to a higher dose and continue the steroid drops for a few months.  He is going to refer me back to ENT again just to make sure we have exhausted every avenue as he is really worried about me taking any stronger painkillers (due to adverse effects on the bowel).  The pain is getting me down quite a lot as it is there every day when I wake up and never goes away.  It gets tiring after a while and I feel it holds me back from really making the most of these lungs but hopefully the new measures will help a bit.  

So since Tuesday the sickness has died down again and I am eating better now - trying to get some high calorie food in to build me back up again.  I am sure being underweight is not helping my energy levels!   Yesterday I didn't feel as 'unwell' and got on a bit better at work and managed to potter around the house in the afternoon so that was a move in the right direction.  I am hopeful that I will start to see some big changes over the next few days.

I have been at work this week and it wasn't too bad.  I know people think I push myself too much but after dealing with 30 years of ill health I know my own body pretty well.  I have become better over the years at accepting help and at pacing myself (honestly).  I have had a very quiet time over the past few weeks - hardly taken Seb out, watched a lot of TV and not a lot else.  This 'resting' is all very well in principle but it does nothing for your mental state.  If I can go to work then it is a good thing - it distracts me, it often makes me feel a bit better and gives me a focus.   Trust me, I'm a doctor.

It was also Andrew's birthday last week - poor boy didn't get much of a celebration with me moping about!  I did go into M+S on my way home and picked up some take away style things for dinner and a cake as a feeble gesture.   I will have to make a proper cake when I am fully recovered :-)   It will be both my birthday and mums when we are in Florida ( less than 2 weeks to go now!) so that will be very different.  I have told Andrew to let me buy something when we are there... lots of shopping malls :-)

I have a quiet weekend planned and then hopefully catch up with some friends next week before we go on holiday.  I have cancelled lots of plans to meet up in the past few weeks and have not seen anyone for about a month.  That is rather depressing.  I think I need some friend medicine to be honest!  I also have a haircut next week which is good for the soul (as long as it goes well haha).  It is through in Bathgate so I am also hoping to take Seb to Nan and Bob's for another visit.  This is where he is staying when we are in Florida so we are trying to take him for a few visits to make it seem more familiar.   He will be totally fine though - as long as he gets walks and hugs he is a happy boy.  In fact he probably wont be that fussed about coming home - he is really not that loyal ;-)   So a few things to keep me busy and hopefully my next post will be all good news...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Nice to read your blog again and see you are on the up at last. It has been a long struggle for you but hopefully you will slowly start to recover. It will take time but you are moving in the right direction. Lots of American size portions will do the trick as far as your weight is concerned!! I will help you. I am very good at eating!! Keep up the progress and have a lovely weekend with plenty of pampering. Take care lol Anne xxxx

claire said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better - fingers crossed it will be for good this time and you'll be back to your old self in no time! :) Really looking forward to catching up properly - I will happily provide a good dose of friend medicine! Will phone you later on and we can sort something out - I could so with a jac sized dose too ;)

Love from me xxx

Kelly said...

Hey! Glad to hear you are still ticking along okay and continuing on the mend. At this rate you will peak perfectly for Florida! :-) I'm sure I speak for others when I say we worry about you overdoing things only because we care but I'm sure you know that already. Plus, I know you look after yourself well and know your body very well so I'll stop nagging!

Love to you all and special fuss and cuddles for wee Seb


lulu said...

Glad to hear u feeling a touch better...its so hard going at times, I know. Like me u feel bad about those around u but honestly, all they want is for u to be tiptop again and I am superhappy to hear uve been taking it easy and resting!! :-) Hope you're having a great weekend :-) xxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling a bit better. Fingers crossed for a fabulous time in Florida. Take care. Rena x

Anonymous said...

The sunshine will do you the world of good - so will the gigantic portions of food!!

Glad you're a little better - you're so right about resting being bad for your mental state. I'm looking into volunteering because my brain is becoming mushy already!

Audrey xx