Thursday, October 14, 2010

Total Chaos

It was just chaos before but now it's total chaos!  The plasterers were doing the ceilings in living room and dining room yesterday, which meant we had to clear both these rooms - I had to get mum and dad to come and help!  Then we have spent the last two nights moving everything back downstairs so they can do two rooms upstairs.  I feel like I moved house ten times in the last week...

I also got my dates mixed up and am actually going to London tomorrow for the advocate weekend - I thought it was next weekend.  I had train tickets for next weekend and everything!  I have sorted it now but don't feel very organised at the moment and have PBL in the morning - I am off to bed now though so I can think more clearly tomorrow.

I have also had some very sad news this week about a dear friend of mine, Fi.  She lived near Aberdeen - her husband came and took my tree down for me at one point and I went up to visit last year and was planning to visit before the end of this year.  She also had CF but suffered severe liver problems due to this, however her loss was very sudden following a diagnosis of liver cancer only a few weeks ago and was unexpected.  She was 36.  I still can't quite believe this has happened and it hasn't quite sunk in.  Please keep her family - her husband and her mum, dad and sister - in your thoughts and prayers at this time.  I sent her a message to look out for Frances Ann - they will get on so well.  Exact same sense of humour!


Anonymous said...

We were so sorry to hear of Fi's death and will be remembering all her family in our prayers.Having met Fi you're right she will get on well with Frances Ann.Mum and Dad xx

Anonymous said...

Hi, we were so very sorry to hear the sad news about Fi. We remember when they came down to sort your tree. What a tragic loss and we will be thinking of all her family. We never met her but if you say she will get on well with FrancesAnn then she must have been some character. You won't be feeling much like going to London what with one thing and another but I suppose needs must. Hopefully by the time you get back things won't seem so bad. We will be thinking of you. Off back to New York today. Take care lol xx

Me said...

so sorry to hear about Fi, i'm sure your sister will look after her xx