Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So I think I've now received the last of my internet purchases. Thank God. I was able to luxuriate in bed this morning without the fear and trepidation of the door bell ringing at some unearthly hour. Throughout my little internet spree, the post man managed to arrive twice when I was half undressed, three times when I was tucked up in bed sound asleep and another occasion during a stand off with Seb, where he was sitting up on the couch and I was frantically shouting "'Off!" while waving arms. At least the postman was useful on this occasion, as for Seb, the door bell is a signal to run at high speed and pogo up and down at the front door. It is a frosted glass door and he therefore makes a complete spectacle of himself. Nothing new there then.

I had my meeting with work to discuss reducing hours, so my contract has now been changed to three half days a week, instead of four. I have the option to reduce this further to two half days if necessary in the future. I think having the extra day off during the week will be helpful for catching up with rest (and highly important activities such as hair appointments and meeting friends for coffee). I am also having a further meeting with my current boss, to see if I can adjust my starting time a little. I currently work 9am until 1pm, but I think a later start (maybe 10ish) would make a huge difference. This would give me more time to do my physio and nebulisers, without having to get up in the middle of the night to do so. I do at least feel a little more in control of things, and maybe all these small tweaks to working life will make all the difference. At least the difference between being able to work at the moment, or not. A somewhat important difference.

On a completely random note, I have decided I am very prone to what I think is referred to as 'false economy'. Two examples from past week alone:

1. I find out where the nearest Aldi's is, because mum tells me they have wrapping paper at 99p for 10 metres. Bargain. I find nearest Aldi's (20min drive) and buy the 99p paper. I also buy £28 worth of other "stuff". I cannot fully account for this stuff, and I'm not entirely sure why it cost £28. But at least the paper was only 99p.

2. I go to "pound shop" to buy pack of chew bones for Seb at cost of £1. I manage to spend £9. Again I cannot account for this £9, other than knowing I must have purchased nine items. I only needed one item.

Moral of story: in future only keep £1 in my purse and no switch card.

For some light entertainment I will leave you with another clip of the marvellous performing Seb. This is his 'play dead' trick in response to the fingers pointing at him like a gun while saying Bang! I am so easily amused.


CB said...

Good to hear that details with work are being hammered out. Allows for some peace of mind at the very least along with the practicality, I'd imagine.

Although I'm sure you wont want to hear this, I have to say that your 'false economy' story is very similar to what my Mom does with alarming regularity. She goes out for exactly 3 items and comes back with 15 because of a special offer of some sort, or something caught her eye.
In truth, I'm slowly becoming more guilty of this too, although my limited income wakes me up very quickly and I'm soon discarding stuff at the nearest possible convenience. Which is slightly embarrassing, but far cheaper in the long run...

Nicola said...

Awww Seb is so cute,maybe you should come round and teach Bailey some tricks or how to stop barking even !?!?!?!

I hope you feel the benefit of reducing your hours soon:)


Jayne said...

I'm awful with bargains, I always see a billion other things 'on offer' that I don't really need and get them anyway. Still, it adds nicely to my pile of clutter.

Poor Seb, having to pretend to be shot. Loved it though and it made me giggle. My dog would never lie that still, she'd just bark at me.

Take care.

Jayne xx

Fi said...

He's a wee star, Peat got too lazy to actually lie on side for 'play dead' and now just puts his head on one side. Silly mutt

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacqueline....How YOU doin. If you want the dog taken care of....just give me a ring. I have a solution for your false economy. Just go to the store, take what you want and run like the wind. You will save yourself a fortune. One word of caution....make sure what you take is not the size of a grand piano....as you won't get too far. This concludes the lesson for today.

Scabbyface xx