Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I haven't been feeling too well of late. Last week I had a chest infection brewing, so in a sensible move I went up to the hospital last Monday to get checked out. I started some oral antibiotics and decided to take the week off work to give my self the best chance of a quick recovery. I was delighted to find by the end of the week I was feeling much better, and I was all ready to come back to work this week. Then I woke up on Sunday with a cold and have been sniffling and spluttering since. Although its 'only a cold', I was barely managing to make it into work when I was 100% well, so needless to say I have had to call in sick this week as well. I am hoping that the fact I am already on oral antibiotics will prevent it developing into a chest infection, but I will just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed.

On another medical note, Seb's eyes are much better. He had to wear his little cone for a whole week. In fact by the end of the week, he seemed to quite like it and had managed to avoid becoming wedged in small spaces and the likes. He also became very good at getting his eye drops in, as long as cheese was on offer as a reward. I found that if I placed him in a corner, he couldn't back off and would tip his head back and squeeze his eyes tightly shut. I just had to wait until he peeked one eye open to see if I was still there, and quickly put the drop in. Poor Seb.

I've been trying to do a bit of painting again, as an alternative to watching day time TV. The only downside is that its actually quite tiring, and I also get myself quite worked up when its not turning out how I planned. I would like to take some art classes after my transplant, so I can actually learn how to paint properly and pick up some techniques. At the moment I completely make it up as I go along, I never plan what I'm going to do, and I often know that something isn't quite right with the painting, but I'm not sure what. To make matters worse, I'm also not that good at accepting criticism from others despite the fact I am highly critical of myself. I think I just need to learn to enjoy painting, accept it is a learning curve, something I can work on and improve, and most of all, listen to my mum when she says 'don't take yourself so seriously'.

My first attempt at a coastal type scene.


Fi said...

lol - my other half paints, and takes it WAY too seriously - loses his temper, throws it across the room, paint eveywhere. So you're not alone! Perfectionists, the lot of you ;) I think you're coast painting is wonderful - it totally reminds me of the west coast where I'm going on holiday next week - so well done for getting me in the mood. You've got good perspective, good colours, texture - the sea is almost moving... Very well done.

Here's to art classes and feeling better soon. And well done to Seb too - what a wee hero!

CB said...

You know I've always been a fan of your work (draw one of my stories!) so keep at it. If you're picking up on something not quite right then I'd say your intuition is good enough for you to suss it the more you paint. Several artists I've seen have a curious way of determining what's wrong when they can't place their finger on it - they turn the work back to front or upside down. Apparently it exposes perspective and angle better because anything off kilter stands out more. Kinda curious, but some pros swear by it.

Hope you're feeling better soon :)



Jayne said...

Love the painting, if I had half that talent then I'd be chuffed!

Hope you feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

I think you cheated. You didn't paint this. It's a photograph. I want to see brush strokes. Bring the picture along with 50 quid to Jimmy's hoose, down the wee dark alley off Engine Lane Bathgate. Ask for Lennie. He will check it out for you.

Anonymous said...

Michelangelo says

Dont go near Engine Lane you'll be mugged by Lennie (pseudo!)who'll
pass it off as his own.
Send it to me instead.I'll see that you get the credit when folk admire it on my best wall.I sooooo
Like it .Yoo hoo!
I think the art lessons a brilliant idea.xxx

Emmie said...

That painting is AMAZING Jac!!! You must have some serious talent there. Do you know my friend Justine Laymond? She had her double lung transplant last summer and is also a painter: www.justinelaymond.com She is really lovely and I'm sure she'd love to meet you in cyberspace some time!
Thank you SO MUCH for your blog, it makes my day to read the latest entries. Especially the ones about Seb that have me laughing so much!
Take care! xxxx