Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Parcels, trees and exhaustion!

The parcel arrived! End of DHL saga :-)

The Christmas tree is up! We spent last Saturday morning putting it up and I am really quite pleased with the finished article. I decorated it with gold and red beads instead of tinsel and then just added all the ornaments. I think it almost looks old fashioned like something from the Victorian era (although we don't have actual candles on the tree!) I like sitting in the evening just looking at it and thinking of all the memories associated with each ornament. This year we were able to add a little glass angel from Nice, a wooden angel from Berlin and a glass beaded heart from Tuscany - another three memories from my post transplant adventures. Just as well the tree is 7 foot because I have so many more memories still to collect :-)

I spent Sunday wrapping up presents but unfortunately didn't feel very well by the evening and had to go to bed early. I think the bending over all day had gone for my sinuses and my head was so sore! You should have seen the room though - it was like Santa's grotto. I tend to get carried away at Christmas but it's half the joy :-) I am not sure if I triggered things off but my head/face has been so sore this week. I haven't heard from the pain clinic yet although my CF consultant was also going to drop them a note explaining how much it is affecting my post transplant health so I hope that might hurry things up a bit.

I got to the end of last week in one piece and am really enjoying the PBL facilitating! I have a great group of students who are making my job much easier. I am feeling pretty exhausted though as I am not used to getting up and out the house every day. I think it just feels extra busy because it's Christmas time so lots of organising and general busyness other than work and my wee body is not quite sure what I am up to :-)

Little Seb has to get his yearly vaccines today and I was dreading it. As expected he did make a drama - dancing around the table, trying to jump off and tossing his head around - while wagging his tail at the same time! He insisted on being examined while standing on his hind legs with front paws on Andrews arm and the vaccine itself had to be administered while I mashed his head into my face to distract him. The vet said that his heart rate was actually quite slow which would indicate that most of the dancing around is Seb putting on a show for us and he is not as anxious as he might seem! I have said it so many times before...drama queen.

Seb's foot stool had to be moved so he has moved into the tiny leather chair!


Post Pals said...

Your tree is so pretty :)

Me said...

oh yes Jac your tree is better than that tinsel thing last year haha! You know whaat I am like with christmas trees...! I hope your sinuses start to feel better xx

Tori said...

I love a good old fashioned Christmas tree. Mine goes up Sunday :)

John Anne and Ross said...

Hi Jacqueline, your tree is FAB, really Christmassy!! Ours goes up on Sunday. We hope you are feeling better and not rushing about so much. This time of year is always manic!! I have been working extra hours, so much for my 3 day week!! Roll on a week today. We hope you have a good weekend and manage to relax a bit. Will speak soon. Take care lol Anne John and Ross

Anonymous said...

Love the tree Jac - its gorgeous. I've got my tree up too though its teensy compared to urs! Can't wait to see u nxt w'end! Sending lots of hugs, stef x

margaret g said...

Tree is beautiful and there's sure to be many more happy memories added to it! :) X

lulu said...

Darling ur just amazing!! All that uve achieved in the last year post tx is just really keeping me going!! Ur tree is stunning, puts my shrub to shame!! In a small pad I had to go micro (that's my excuse anyway, I'm a scrooge really!!)Yeh might mention to clinic when I ring 2m re: labels!! I will send u a message this week...a bit of a whingypops abt things healthwise. Big love to cute Seb xxx