Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Apparently Amsterdam is currently open to international flights so we are keeping everything crossed this remains the case for our flight tomorrow evening.   The current plan is that we fly to Detroit at 1pm USA time, departing for Amsterdam at 7.30pm USA time which means flying overnight and then hopefully leaving Amsterdam for Edinburgh mid morning on Thursday.   I suppose the worry is that we get stuck at another leg of the journey but even if we get to Europe it would be a step forward.   The big concern at the moment was the news that the volcano continues to erupt and another large ash cloud is forming - amusingly mum said this morning "so is our main worry this other wee puffy thing?"    Yes Mum, it's all down to that damned wee puffy thing ;-)

We had a bit of stress with medication again yesterday when I went to collect the anti rejections (tacrolimus) we had ordered at the pharmacy and it hadn't arrived!  I do have enough until I get home but we are worried we get stuck somewhere on route and then I would run out.   However we called this morning and it has now arrived so going to collect that shortly.  It is at times like this I really appreciate the NHS!!!

We also managed to get through to the British Consulate yesterday to explain our predicament and concerns about health.  They are actually trying to document how many UK citizens are in America at the moment so all six of us are now registered on their database.   They have noted my health conditions and given us a local number should we run into any more trouble.   They are not able to liaise directly with airlines at the moment so have advised us to head to the airport tomorrow and take it from there.   We tried all yesterday to call Air France with no luck but managed to get through to a London number this morning - they couldn't really say anything other than the fact the flight is currently still planned to go ahead.  Our insurance companies are saying that the Airlines are responsible for helping with accommodation costs but Air France are saying the volcano is not their fault so will not help!  I doubt very much we will get anything from anyone but will keep chasing this.

All the hotel staff know us now, so here is Armando with mum and Anne :-)

Thankfully the weather has brightened up again now and the sun is shining for our (hopefully) last day.  Yesterday was spent mostly chasing meds again but after I collect those today we can chill at the pool this afternoon and try to relax a little.   No one has been sleeping very well but we are still staying in good humour.  Last night I was saying to Andrew "I have this horrible churning feeling in the pit of my stomach, I think it is just stress" before adding on "...or maybe it's just wind!"    We fell about laughing for a while and that made me feel a bit better :-)   Humour has got me through a lot of bad times in the past and it is definitely the best anti-stress medicine around.

If there are any issues with the flight tomorrow we will have to re evaluate the situation and perhaps try and find another villa to keep costs down.  A doctor on a forum I use gave us an amazing offer - to come and stay at his house in the Cayman island until the drama passes!!  Now I have always fancied the Cayman islands...

I will try and post again tomorrow but we are heading to the airport early so may not be able to update.  Keep your eyes peeled for a Detroit to Amsterdam flight leaving tomorrow night and pray that we are on it!!

Brits abroad?!


Anonymous said...

everyone hoping and praying you take off 2mor, glad to see you have still got sense of humour!! Your mum and dad were just missing the knotted hankies!! Glad you got your med supplies, just as well you know what you are doing. Chin up hopefully not too long now, love to all.

big hugs


Anonymous said...

Will be praying tomorrow o.k.that your airbound.Keep the laughter going-what a night we'll have when you're safely back here-your mum will be in her element.Lots of love .Unc Hugh

CB said...

Fingers crossed for you guys, things have got to get better sometime! xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Jac! Just caught up on your holiday blogs. Sounds like you've had an awesome time but so sorry to hear of your dramas over the last few days. Got my fingers and toes crossed that your flight leaves tomorrow as planned and you all get home safely without any more stress. Keep smiling, lots of love, Anna xxx

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for a flight out . Therine - you will dine out on this story for years -or you aint no White !!!!!

See u soon we hope

Luv Ca & B