Saturday, December 04, 2010

Apologies for the interruption to service..

I didn't realise it had been quite that long since I blogged - as you can tell, have generally been keeping up the pace, but think I will now slow down for the Christmas season :-)

Between dad coming through for a few days and me and Andrew painting all last weekend, we have finished painting the hall and bedroom now, phew!  The hall is pretty much finished and the bedroom is waiting on the new wardrobe from Ikea - can't seem to get hold of the delivery people in Edinburgh so think the weather must be affecting them.  We are not even thinking about the spare rooms (which now need painted because ceilings also plastered, and the living room walls can just wait too!)    I have decided to set up the Christmas tree in the extension and will just live in there for the time being :-)

I finished my PBL last week so have a break now from university work.  It was a lovely group and I really enjoyed the 10 weeks but am glad I have a little more time just now - especially when the snow started and it would have been a nightmare to get there!  I am getting the train to work just now, which is a bit of a hit or a miss.  I ended up sharing a taxi home with three random people from the train station last week when my train home was cancelled - would have cost me £20 otherwise so was rather handy ;-)  I thought it might be a quiet week at work due to the weather but my patients seem very dedicated - they all turned up for clinic appointments all week.  Good effort, and just as well I managed to get in too.  I did however have to cancel my transplant clinic appointment last week as there is no way we could have made it down and mum wouldn't even be able to get out of her driveway, never mind get through here!  It's rearranged for 14th December now so fingers crossed the weather is better by then as it would be good to get checked out before Christmas.

Seb had been enjoying the snow and even more than the snow, he has been enjoying lying on the Yeti rug afterwards.  This is a little rug I bought for the extension and it was actually called Yeti.  Seb thinks it is a giant bed for him and it is so cute because he just disappears into it.  He has also been chancing his arm at getting on the sofa so you have to keep a close eye - he is allowed on the footstool beside the sofa but at every opportunity he tries to casually sneak over..

Paws make it over to the sofa...

I said 'don't you dare' and he lies down as if hadn't been planning to go anywhere...

Still trying to keep up the pretence..

Seb looks longingly at the snow!

Myself and Victoria were helping Kirsty with a photo shoot last week.  Kirsty has just started a business called  
The Cupcakes (who are available for parties, hen nights, weddings etc) and they were planning to do a calendar for charity, so Kirsty was styling people and taking pictures with a vintage theme (although the calendar will not be going ahead until next year as it was too late to get good prices).   Anyway, when I looked at the pictures afterwards I was really pleased with them, but most of all, I couldn't believe how much I looked like my mum when she was young.  It is rather uncanny...

Mum in the late 60s


claire said...

You look so beautiful (and yes, just like your mum!) xx

Kelly said...

Hey Jac! So good to read about your latest escapades. I love the photos - Seb for his total adorableness and cheekiness and you for some stunning shots.


Anne said...

Hi Jacqueline, love these photos! What a glamorous mother you have!!! You do look very alike. The calender will be Fab when its done! The weather has been a pain, mind you I have had over a week off work now! It will be very hard to go back tomorrow! The roads still aren't clever here but I will have to make an effort. Love Seb's new rug! Perfect for him. Hope to see you at the weekend. 20 sleeps till Santa comes!! Lol Anne xx