Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Snow and Surgery

I was supposed to be giving an organ donation talk at George Heriot school in Edinburgh this morning but the snow scuppered those plans!  I made it to Bathgate last night but there was very heavy snow overnight and the roads to Edinburgh were really bad this morning. The school had contacted me to say it would be safer to reschedule than to try and make it there  - especially as I was due to speak at 9am!  A bit frustrating but better safe than sorry.  Poor dad then had to clear the driveway so I could get my car back out!!  I really can't believe this weird weather so close to Easter!

I had an appointment with orthopaedics at the start of the week about my shoulder.  It's been sore for about 18 months now and I have had a couple of steroid injections into it - the first one worked really well for a few months, then the pain came back and the 2nd injection made no difference.  It's an impingement syndrome, which means the tendon is thickened/inflamed so certain movements which narrow the joint space cause pain - e.g putting arm over head.  I can cope without putting my arm over my head but I also haven't been able to lie on that side for about a year now and it really getting to me!  I am waking up several times during the night, having inadvertently turned over and I think it might be why I have generally felt more tired.  Anyway, the only remaining option is surgery - which will be arthroscopic (keyhole).  It does need a general anaesthetic but I am hoping this can be kept fairly light.  It's normally done as day surgery but they would keep me overnight because of my medical history.   After the surgery there is about 3 months of physio to get the joint moving, at which point 90% will have recovery.  He said the physio is very important so will need to work hard at that.  I have to get it moving as soon as surgery is done though and it's my left shoulder (I am right handed) so hopefully wont cause too much trouble with activites.  Probably couple of weeks off work - I can always get train if driving is awkward!  Although I am a bit nervous about prospect of surgery (think I have had enough to last a life time!) I am also looking forward to hopefully getting rid of this pain and having a good nights sleep :-)

Tomorrow I am giving a wee talk to the Pulmonary Rehab team with my chest physio.  I went to pulmonary rehab classes before my transplant to try and keep some level of fitness, so I was strong enough for the transplant surgery.  Those who have read my blog for a long time may remember me talking about these classes, which were full of old people and me in the middle :-)  It was really important though and the team are interested in the patients perspective of what support we find helpful.   I think its also important post transplant because at that stage we are pretty much left to our own devices, and I think I would have appreciated some guidance on how to progress with exercise after so long being unwell.

Last week it was Andrews birthday - he had to work but I did cook him a steak when he got home and made him a cinnamon and nutella birthday cake - yum!


1 comment:

Anne and John said...

Hi, Yes we have also had mountains of snow (slight exaggeration!) but annoying nevertheless. Surely it must be nearly Spring! Sorry to hear you have to have surgery but if it makes life better then will be worth it. Andrew's cake looked really yummy! He is a lucky boy!! Hope your snow is gone now not sure if it is coming back though!! Take care lol xx