Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Well we got back from Tuscany at the weekend and I can't believe we are nearing the end of another week - busy busy! Tuscany was lovely although I have to admit the weather was pretty bad. We had a lot of rain and thunder storms. When I say rain, I mean the torrential bouncing of the pavement kind of rain!

Hiding in a cafe

Stunning views when the rain stops

We were staying just outside a town called San Gimignano which is between Florence and Sienna. It's a very pretty medieval town and it was nice to wander about exploring the little streets. It was a small (!) hike up from our villa but it is amazing how much easier this is for me - I could never have coped with that before. The couple who own the villa just stay next door so they were very kind and gave us a run up in the car sometimes - especially for my uncle who has had 3 joints replaced in the last year and my cousin who is pregnant. It was odd not being the person who actually needed a lift this time!

We decided to hire a minibus one day and we went to a small town on a hillside called Montechino, which had beautiful views over Tuscany. We then managed to get into Sienna and sit in the main piazza having a coffee in the early evening sun.


We also spent a day in Florence when it was sunnier and I really enjoyed this - it is a beautiful city. I would like to go back and stay in Florence for a few days so we can explore it properly.

Despite the weather I still really enjoyed it - it was just nice to spend some time with my family. We spent evenings playing various games my uncle had brought and it always ended in much hilarity :-) Amusingly one of the games he packed was the 'travel bomb' - can you imagine them finding that when searching a bag ;-)

Now it's back to reality and it has been a busy week so far. My consultant is on holiday this week so it has been a bit manic. I am coping well and managing the workload but I am still finding it quite emotionally draining. Sometime I think I become a little over involved (emotionally) with patients and I always feel exhausted at the end of the day. Although in all honesty this has been such a difficult month with Frances Ann's anniversary and her birthday, which is on Sunday. I seem to be more affected this year for some reason - perhaps because it has coincided with starting a new job and also the steroid reduction regime which can play havoc with mood and emotions. Hopefully everything will settle down soon and I will be back to my normal bouncing self :-)

Always a rainbow after the rain...


Anne John and Ross said...

Hi Jacqueline
We are glad you all had a lovely holiday and the photos are lovely too. It's not much fun getting back to work after a holiday but it has to be done. We hope wee Seb is settling back down at home and not pining for us too much!!! It's very strange not having him here, he was so good. We do miss him and his funny little ways! We know this is a difficult time for you all and we will be thinking of you this weekend. Love to all. Take care.
Anne John and Ross

sarah said...

Tuscany looks lovely! I must put it on my 'to visit' list.
See you on Sunday, I won't have kiddies with me so I'll actually be able to chat properly!

Sarah xxxxxxx

CB said...

Glad you had a good time, despite the rain :) Looking forward to catching up again later, hopefully we can squeeze a few laughs aside from the difficult times :) xxx

lulu said...

Hun you are doing so well coping with a lot of life changes as well as thinking about your sister. It must be so difficult for you and your family.
I am pleased that you managed that hike and sounds like you had an amazing time. Maybe you could report on trip advsior..I do that now and its really rewarding. Florence to me is the most beautiful city I have ever visited...absolutely stunning!!! Take good care and I hope the steroid regime settles somewhat xxx