Jac is back...
I have been feeling a lot better this week ... at last! Hopefully this means I will be in fab condition for my holiday - less than 1 week to go :-)
Last weekend I had to get some new jeans because of the weight I lost. Any excuse eh ;-) I did just get some cheap ones though and luckily also had some smaller trousers stashed in the loft in case I did lose weight again so have these for my holidays. I feel very disorganised for holidays at the moment and have been too tired after work this week to do much sorting. I did get all my clothes out last weekend, tried half them on and then put them all back because I couldn't decide what to take! It isn't a huge luggage allowance and I want some room in case I buy anything over there - so need to pack carefully. I also need to iron most of the summer things but am trying to ignore that fact for the time being. I have made lists though and I do love lists. I met my friend for lunch today and we were talking about lists and how satisfying it is to tick things off. We also did both admit to the cheat of adding extra things to the list after you have done them just so you can tick them off haha! Worryingly my medication list is longer than my clothes list and I guess will take up my entire hand luggage allowance ;-)
We went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D at the cinema which I really enjoyed. The story is a mixture of the original two books but all the memorable characters are still there and the 3D technology allows for an even more magical experience. I do keep saying that I should go to the cinema more often. I used to go a lot more when I was younger then I stopped going when I was more unwell - largely because I couldn't get through a film without coughing loads - and then I never really got back into the habit after my transplant. It is nice to go out and see a film for some total escapism because when I watch a film at home I am so easily distracted and will end up tapping away on my laptop at the same time and then missing half the film. I don't find it easy to switch off so sitting my in a dark room where I can't do anything but watch the film is probably a good thing.
On Tuesday I got my hair cut and took Seb for another visit to Nan's. We left him for a couple of hours and he didn't seem that fussed to see me when we went back haha. I think I will miss him more than he misses me to be honest. I am dreading getting the cases out this weekend though as he will go all huffy and no one likes a huffy dog..
Anyway I better go and do something useful. I think I will start by making a list...
I have written two more this evening- can never have enough!!
Lovely to catch up, hope you all have a fab holiday in the sinshine
Love Clare
Hi, Great to hear you are getting back to your old self again!! You timed that perfectly! I must admit I do like a list myself and have made many regarding our holiday! When one is finished I start another one!! It doesn't mean I am any more organised but it is comforting! I did a bit of ironing today and still have a lot to do but once its all stuffed in the case it will be as crushed as ever! Not a good packer!! Look forward to seeing you and Andrew and Seb at the weekend. Get you away from the ironing for a wee while! Take care lol Anne xx
I do that with the lists, add it on after! I also put things in my diary after I have done them! haha! Hope you enjoy your holiday! xx
Jac...I hope you have a blast in Florida! I have always wanted to go, and now I am only about an 11-hour drive from there...so, hopefully someday!
Again, have a wonderful, absolutely fun-filled holiday!
Blessings to you,
North Carolina
Yay super happy to hear ur getting all ready for that fab holiday ahead xx
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